Research in Mathematical Education (한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구)
- Volume 13 Issue 3
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- Pages.235-250
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- 2009
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- 1226-6191(pISSN)
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- 2287-9943(eISSN)
Korean Mathematics Adds Value to Teachers' Conceptual Understanding in the United States
- Janice, Grow-Maienza (Truman State University) ;
- Alberts, Scott (Truman State University) ;
- Kim, Hyun-Joo (Truman State University)
- Published : 2009.09.30
Researchers at Truman State University in Missouri, located in the heartland of the United States, have been using materials adapted from the English translations of the sixth national primary mathematics curriculum from Korea for professional development and assessment with groups of Missouri teachers for the purpose of enhancing teachers' understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics since 2002 [gecKo Mathematics (2008). Korean Mathematics in American Classrooms. Edited by J. Grow-Maienza. Adapted from Korean Mathematics (2001). Kirksville, MO: Truman State University.]. A professional development initiative for 50 teachers conducted in Missouri this past year is reported here. Significant gains in teacher understanding of fundamental mathematics concepts and pedagogy necessary for student achievement in primary mathematics were found as a result of the initiative.