A Study on Call Center Callers' Job Attitude and Turnover Intention

  • Lee, Seok-In (Department of Business Administration Mokpo National University) ;
  • Lee, Su-Wha (Lifelong Education Center Chonnam National University)
  • Published : 2009.09.28


The importance and the value of call center callers are increasing since they play very crucial roles as representatives of their companies at the closest contact point with customers. However, they have low satisfaction at work and are more likely to leave their jobs due to the fact that they are exhausted from heavy work load; they provide less pay and less chance for promotion than other jobs in the same industry. The high turnover costs companies high expenses on finding and training new callers. In the mean time, customer satisfaction may drop and it can give the customers negative image of the company. Therefore, solutions are required to keep the turnover of call center callers to the minimum. In this study, call center employees in Gwangju area were investigated for their job attitude and turnover intention. Based on the results, several implications are suggested.



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