Measuring the Willingness to Pay for Cold Chain System Attributes of Fresh Fish - Focusing on the mackerel -

수산물 저온유통의 속성별 지불의사금액 추정 - 고등어를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2009.09.30


The objective of this paper is to estimate consumer's marginal willingness to pay(MWTP) for cold chain system attributes of mackerel using choice experiment questionnaires. The survey data were analyzed by conjoint analysis method with multinominal logit model. The five cold chain system attributes with $2{\sim}4$ attribute levels were considered : low temperature safekeeping of fishing boats, a kind of transport truck and packing box, using degree of low temperature facility in distribution, mackerel price per fish(1kg). At least 827 people were asked to participate in the survey. The major findings and implications of this study can be summarized as follows : The estimated multinominal logit model is statistically significant and the total consumers willingness to pay for the improved cold chain system attributes is 6,476 won (per kg). Compared with the base price(2,500 won/kg), the estimated MWTP is 2.5 times higher than the base price. Therefore, the consumer has a willingness to pay for the fresh and safe fish products, even though more money is paid. To satisfy the consumer's needs, cold chain system is necessary in point of long-term. In this reason, The government's policy support is needed for promoting cold chain system in fishery, and a master plan should be prepared.



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