Improvement of Channel Estimation Algorithm in Mobile/Satellite Communication Systems

  • Published : 2009.09.30


In this paper, in order to increase system capacity and reduce the transmitting power of the user's equipment, we propose an efficient power estimation consisting of a modified open-loop power control (OLPC) and closed-loop power control (CLPC) schemes for mobile/satellite communications systems. The OLPC works well if the forward and reverse links are perfectly correlated and the CLPC is sensitive to round-trip delay (RTD). Therefore, it is not effective in mobile/satellite system. In order to solve the above problem, we added monitoring equipment to both the OLPC and CLPC to use information about transmitting power that has not yet been received by the receiver over the satellite/ATC channel. Moreover, we adapted an efficient pilot diversity of both OLPC and CLPC in order to get a better signal to interference plus noise ratio (SIR) estimation of the received signal.



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