Perception and Performance of Emergency-room Nurse's Protection Behavior for the Consumer Health Information

응급실 간호사의 환자 의료 정보 보호행위에 대한 인식 및 실천 정도

  • Published : 2009.09.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the emergency-room nurse's perception and performance about the protection behavior of the consumer health information. Method: The participants were 191 emergency-room nurses in secondary, tertiary medical center nationally. The data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 program. Result: First, the total average scores of the degree of the perception and performance by emergencyroom nurses on protection behavior of the consumer health information were $4.24{\pm}0.30$ and $3.51{\pm}0.26$. Second, the degree of the perception and performance on protection behavior of the consumer health information was heavily dependent on the following general characteristics of the participants: age, nurse position, career, and education experience on protection behavior of the consumer health information. Third, there was a positive correlation between the degree of perception and performance about the protection behavior of the consumer health information. Conclusions: The results showed the statistically significant partial correlation between the degree of perception and performance. Therefore, it is suggested to apply the concrete education program to enhance the perception in order to improve the performance.



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