Changes in Nutritive Components by Growth Periods in Spinach Grown Outdoors in Autumn

가을철 노지 재배한 시금치의 성숙 시기에 따른 영양 성분 변화

  • Lee, Mi-Hee (Dept. of Hotel Culinary Arts, Taekyung College)
  • 이미희 (대경대학 호텔조리학부)
  • Received : 2009.01.08
  • Accepted : 2009.03.30
  • Published : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate nutritional component changes (chlorophylls, vitamin C, and minerals) in two Korean spinach cultivars (Cheongrok, Ddangddali) according to different growth periods, as well as differences in the components of three plant parts (leaves, stems, and roots). Chlorophyll, vitamin C, Na, and Hunter‘s color a/b values reached maximum levels in the spinach leaves after 35 days of planting, while these components did not significantly change in the stems and roots during the growth period. Chlorophyll and vitamin C contents were higher in the leaves than in thestems and roots. On the other hand, moisture content was higher in the stems than in the leaves and roots, and Fe content was highest in the roots. The vitamin C content of this fresh harvested spinach was 2.5 times higher compared to the existing data (Food Nutritive Value Table 2005).



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