로마 신도시(E42) 국제회의장에 관한 연구 - 아달베르토 리베라의 당선작(1937-1943)을 중심으로-

A Study on the Congress Palace in new city(E42) of Rome - Focused on the Adalberto Libera's project(1937-1943) -

  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


The study is on the analysis of Adalberto Libera's works, which are those of the competition works for international congress hall in 'E42'. I exerted a conclusion from analysis and studies of congress palace as well as informed data about architect Libera and uninformed original sketch of it. 1. Through analysis of original sketch data in possession of archives of paris Centre Pompidue and relevant sketch from the works, Libera adopts the modern architecture of Italy to the formalization process of concept as one of architectural methods. 2.In contrast to the way of elucidation of historicity of classicism architect, Libera's initial sketch is one of the traits from modernist's architectural concept process. Libera completes his architectural style to have developed new architecture vocabulary from 'Floating transparent box' which was result from intuition and imagination. 3 By comparing all the first plan, the second plan and constructed project, we can infer that Libera's plan was influenced by E42's classicism urban environment and masterplanner Piacentini. In addition, through historicity explanation method of modernist, it is adjudicated that the front side of facade with classism and the back side of facade with modern are partially accepted. 4. By analysing architectural concept's formalization process from original sketch of Congress palace, outstanding architect of Italian Fascism architecture, it provided new methods of architectural programming with the concrete examples.



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