A Study on the Local Resources Industrial in Gimpo

김포지역 산업화 유망 향토자원 발굴 조사연구

  • Received : 2009.11.11
  • Accepted : 2009.12.18
  • Published : 2009.12.30


Local resources can be employed as an original resource for local revitalization. This study has investigated the local resource, and then categorized these to suggest the implication available to the industrialization. Local resources were classified into 5 categories(with 25 subcategories), including remains and ruins, ethnic custom, manners and customs, people, traditional food and the principal product, and the natural ecology environment. Three phases were carried out in this study. We made lists of local resources and analyzed applicable resources among the lists. Also, we selected the target resources for the survey in Gimpo, and also analyzed the application for industrialization. Of all these resources, 560 cases were first investigated, then 51 local resources were in-depth analyzed. Based on this result, the application plan was investigated, dividing the central resources and the connection resources.



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