In attempts to closely study the effect of high efficiency, friendly environment HTS(High Temperature Superconducting) cable and SFCL(Superconducting Fault Current Limiters) on power system, several projects were carried out around the world. Promising results have been achieved in terms of cable capacity and reliability. commercial HTS cable and SFCL, however, must not only be only be feasible, but meet practical requirements as well. To facilitate the transition of HTS cable technology from the Lab. to the Real Grid, a New project for applying 22.9kV HTS cables and SFCL to the commercial Power Grid supported by Government has just started in KEPCO. Target of this project is to operate two 22.9kV, 50MVA, 150MVA HTS cables and two 22.9kV 630A, 3000A SFCL in a KEPCO Grid in order to demonstrate its reliability and stable operation. This paper will present the technology for selecting appropriate site and its plan for installation & operating of 22.9kV HTS cables & SFCL in KEPCO Grid.