Many superconductor applications such as MRI and SMES must be operated in persistent current mode to eliminate the electrical ohmic loss. This paper presents the characteristic analysis of the high temperature superconducting (HTS) power supply made of YBCO coated conductor (CC). In this research, we have manufactured the HTS power supply to charge the 0.73 mH HTS double-pancake magnet made of YBCO CC. Among the all design parameters, the heater triggerring time and magnet applying time were the most important factors for the best performance of the HTS power supply. In this paper, three-dimensional simulation through finite element method (FEM) was used to study the heat transfer in YBCO CC and the magnetic field of the magnetic circuit. Based upon these results, the final operational sequence could be determined to generate the pumping current. In the experiment, the maximum pumping current reached about 16 A.