Recently, it is proposed to make striations on the YBCO coated conductor and to transpose each other as one of the solutions to decrease the perpendicular magnetization loss. For large power application using HTS, the stacked conductor packing the YBCO coated conductors should be used because single conductor is limited in flowing of demanded large current. In this paper, we research the affect of the striation and continuously transposed stacking geometry on the magnetization loss in perpendicularly exposed magnetic field. Several short samples having different number of striation and continuously transposed stack are prepared and tested in perpendicularly exposed magnetic field for the magnetization loss characteristics. The magnetization loss of striated sample was lower than sample without striation. The reduction effect on magnetization loss by the striation is obviously appeared in higher field and lower number of stack and decreased as increasing the transposed stacking number. Also, the reduction effect by transposed stack is obviously appeared in lower field at lower number of striation and isn't appeared at higher striation number and higher magnetic field.