It is important to predict AC loss in $Nb_3Sn$ and NbTi cable-in-conduit-conductor (CICC) reliably for the design and operation of large superconducting coils. The hysteresis loss in the superconducting filaments and coupling loss within strands and among strands in a cable or composite are dominant ac losses in superconducting magnets. The coupling loss in a superconductor can be characterized by identifying the coupling constant time $n{\tau}$. To reduce the coupling loss, all the strands (superconductor and Cu) in KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advance Research) are chromium plated with thickness of $l{\pm}0.5{\mu}m$. The ac losses of PF1, PF5 and PF6 coils has been measured by calorimetric method while applying trapezoidal current pulses with various ramp rate from 0.5 kA/s to 2 kA/s. The coupling time constants for $Nb_3Sn$ coils are $25{\sim}55$ ms and the values are not co-related with the coil size, the time constants for NbTi coil is 30 ms.