노인요양시설 내 의료서비스 발생빈도와 병원중심 가정간호 요구도 조사

Incidence of Medical Services and Needs for Hospital-based Home Care Nursing in Elder Care Institutions

  • 김재승 (김천과학대학 사회복지학과) ;
  • 이주영 (서울여자간호대학 간호과) ;
  • 송종례 (아주대학병원) ;
  • 이미경 (삼성서울병원) ;
  • 황문숙 (성균관대학교 임상간호대학원 삼성서울병원)
  • 투고 : 2009.05.27
  • 심사 : 2009.06.13
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the needs for hospital-based home care nursing medical services in elder care institutions by analyzing the details and frequency of medical services provided by, and the needs for, hospital based home care nursing in select institutions in Korea. Methods: Seventy-seven staffs at elderly care institutions located throughout the country completed self-report questionnaires between February 1 and May 31, 2009. SPSS ver. 14.0 was used for data analysis regarding frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results: Forty-eight hospital-based home care nursing medical services in eight domains were identified as being needed in elderly care institutions. The most commonly used medical services were providing instruction in oral drug administration, checking drug beneficial/adverse effects, and administering blood glucose test, while the most needed medical services requiring hospital based home care nursing were complex pressure ulcer care, followed by diabetic foot ulcer management and nutrient injection. Conclusion: The present results should provide fundamental data for better healthcare services with hospital based home care nursing at elderly care institutions as part of a 'win-win' strategy through which medical expenses are reduced, insurance costs are kept stable, and safe and high-quality medical services are provided for residents of elder care institutions. Political decisions intended to promote visits by hospital based home care nurses to elder care institutions would be a prudent course.
