Analysis and Comparison of a Permanent-Magnet DC Motor with a Field-Winding DC Motor

  • Kiyoumarsi, Arash (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.01


The influence of magnetic saturation on electromagnetic field distribution in both a permanent-magnet direct-current (PMDC) motor and a field-winding (wound-field) direct-current (FWDC) motor, with the same output mechanical power, has been studied. In this paper, an approximate analytical method and time-stepping Finite Element Method (FEM) are used for prediction of Back-EMF and electromagnetic torque. No-load and rotor-lucked conditions, according to experimental measurements, and the FEM and analytical method studies of the motors have been considered. A sensitivity analysis has also been successfully accomplished on the major design parameters that affect motor performance. At last, these two DC motors are compared, in spite of their differences, on the basis of measured output characteristics.



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