GC/MSD를 사용한 원유 내 잔류농약의 분석법 연구

Research for the Analytical Method of Various Pesticides in Raw Milk by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  • Oh, N.S. (Institute of Dairy Food Research, Seoul Dairy Cooperative) ;
  • Shin, Y.K. (Institute of Dairy Food Research, Seoul Dairy Cooperative) ;
  • Baick, S.C. (Institute of Dairy Food Research, Seoul Dairy Cooperative)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


The aim of this study was to optimize a simple, fast, and economical analysis procedure for the determination of 16 different pesticides in raw milk via GC/MSD. Analyses were performed via gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometric detection in the selected ion monitoring mode (GC/MSD-SIM) using Pentachloronitrobenzene as the internal standard. The modified sample preparation methodology was based on the Pesticide Analytical Manual (PAM) of the FDA concerning fat extraction, ACN-ether partitioning, and clean-up of the Sep-Pak florisil cartridge. The modified methodology for the determination of the 16 pesticides was validated. The range of LOQs of the 16 pesticides was likely three times lower than their Maximum Residence Levels (MRLs). The recoveries of most of the pesticides were acceptable at the fortification levels of 0.5 and 1.0 ${\mu}g/mL$ and their RSD (%) level was less than 20%. None of the 16 pesticides were detected in the selected raw milk samples.



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