Influence of Methylcellulose on Properties of Wheat Gliadin Film Cast from Aqueous Ethanol

  • Song, Yihu (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University) ;
  • Li, Lingfang (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University) ;
  • Zheng, Qiang (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Present work was focused on the influence of methylcellulose (MC) on steady rheology of wheat gliadin solution and the properties of glycerol plasticized gliadin films. The presence of MC below 0.99 wt% improved viscosity and flow activation energy of the 10 wt% gliadin solution significantly. In the casting films containing 0.2 g glycerol/g dry protein, the MC component aggregated in the gliadin matrix. The blend films containing less than 7.7 wt% MC exhibited higher Young's modulus (E) and tensile strength (${\sigma}_b$) and lower elongation at break (${\epsilon}_b$) in comparison with the pure gliadin film, which was related to the intermolecular interaction between MC and gliadins, the brittle fracture of the aggregated MC component, and the increase in glass transition temperature ($T_g$) of the gliadin phase. Increasing MC content led to a slight increase in water vapor permeability (WVP) without significant influence on the moisture absorption (MA).



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