원전 6단 급수가열기 추기증기 입구노즐 주변의 동체 국부 감육 원인 분석

Analysis of Local Wall Thinning around the Extraction Steam Entrance for the 6th Feedwater Heater Shell in the Nuclear Power Plants

  • 송석윤 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 김형남 (한국전력공사 전력연구원)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.01


The feedwater heaters are Critical components in a nuclear power plant. As the operation years of heaters go by, the maintenance costs required for continuous operation increase. When the carbon steel components in nuclear make contact with running fluid, the wall thinning caused by FAC (flow accelerated corrosion) can be generated. Local wall thinning is inevitable at the area around wet steam entrance to be attacked due to the long term operation. Sometimes the shell with thinned wall is eventually ruptured. To identify the relationship between the local wall thinning and fluid behavior of the feedwater heater, the practical data of a plant, which were based on ultrasonic thickness measurement tests, were analyzed and CFD(Computed Fluid Dynamics) analyses were performed.



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