노래를 중심으로 한 음악치료 회상 요법이 노인의 정서에 미치는 영향

The Music Therapy Effects to Older Person's Emotions after Reminiscence Therapy Through Songs

  • 최애나 (남부대학교 대체의학과) ;
  • 권환순 (대전대학교 예술치료학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.30


The purpose of this study is to how the music therapy effects to older person's self-esteem feeling and a emotional mood improvement after reminiscence therapy through songs. The object of this research were 10 old men and women, age of 67 to 90 with dementia, and mental and physical dysfunction, but can be self-walking and the stool was made up in social welfare center in the Yuseong-gu, Daejeon-city, The experiment of the research was done from June 18th until July 18th, week 2 each 50 minutes the total 12 times. This study was an experiment, the treatment of a same group before and after treatment. Before the first session I check the self-esteem and emotional mood. And after the final 12th session, post-therapy examination was conducted the same tests. The tools of Self-esteem test is the self-esteem scale developed by Rosenberg(1965) and Jun Byung-se(1974), which was translated. Emotional state check tools developed by MoNair(1992), which was translated by Yun Jae-ryang, and it can also apply to the Korean older person has been modified by Shin yon-hee. The results of changing mood state to 3 factors are as follows: The score of anxiety-depression factor changes from 50.42($\pm$14.15) to 35.10($\pm$10.60), and this is statistically significant.(p<.05). The score of anger factor changes from 11.20($\pm$4.39) to 6.90($\pm$2.51), and this is statistically significant.(p<.01). The score of vitality factor Changes from 30.00($\pm$4.27) to 23.90($\pm$5.09), and this is Statistically significant.(p<.05). For this research, I selected older person's favorite songs which have a positive lyrics and bright melody. And This has significance in terms give positive effects to older person's emotion which influence on their self-esteem and better mood positively. In the clinical treatment for the elderly to improve the positive sentiment and give practical assistance on the basis of this research is done to the future, And I look forward to the future development of a variety of music therapy.



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