Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of hospice care in families of the hospitalized patients with terminal cancer. Method: The data were collected from April to July, 2008. The participants were 100 family caregivers of hospitalized terminal patients with cancer recruited from two general hospitals in 2 cities in Korea. Needs of hospice care were measured using the 'Needs Assessment Instrument for Hospice Care in Families of the Patients with Cancer'. Results: The mean of needs score was 76.6, which meant degree of the needs was very high. Among the categories of the needs, the mean of category 'emotional care' was the highest. There were significant differences in the needs of hospice care according to sex and type of present therapy. Conclusion: Health care providers in hospital and hospice facilities must assess the needs of families as well as the patients in order to meet their specific needs. Additionally, they need to have deeper understanding of the need of emotional care and to apply emotional care to hopice patients and their families.