Analyses on Type and Characteristics of Urban Regeneration for Establishment of Urban Identity

도시정체성 확립을 위한 도시재생의 유형 및 계획특성 분석

  • Received : 2009.09.11
  • Accepted : 2009.10.23
  • Published : 2009.10.31


This study analyzed a characteristic by types of urban regeneration helping the establishment of urban identity under social condition change. It will be foundation of sustainable urban development with strategy that secures world-wide competitive power. For this, sample cases that established identity from urban regeneration were reviewed about the main subject and the supporting subject in business side and hardware, software, system, and finance in design factors. 4samples each in inheritance intensification type and change creation type were selected and analyzed. The result said it is most effective to establish urban identity when inheritance intensification type is the private-centered for urban regeneration. And it is better to do the project that the main subject and the supporting subject are taken by the private or the private-leading partnership. It is necessary to manage the region and plan events with software design factors more than hardware design factors. In addition, for urban identity, it was found to be desirable to utilize and preserve fully current resources such as historical scenery and activate the communities than making new facilities. On the contrary, the project based on change creation type needs to be under the public management with innovative idea. Also, when it comes to design factors, facilities related to culture and art and community spaces should open and run actively. It is important for the region to improve its image by New design style such as TOD. In software side, it is important to manage the region by monitoring about urban regeneration business and solve social mix and employment problem. On the other hand, in terms of system and administration, both types don't show a difference in urban identity establishment, since it is same that both should make partnership and get a support of subsidy to be most effective.



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