민간약 머루잎의 생약학적 연구

Pharmacognostical Studies on the Folk 'Medicine MeoRuIp'

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Korean folk medicine 'MeoRuIp' has been used to cure cough, rheumatism and abdominal pain after child birth. There has been no pharmacognostical confirmation on the botanical origin of the crude drug. To clarify the botanical origin of 'MeoRuIp', the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the leaves of Vitis and Ampelopsis species growing in Korea, i.e. Vitis amurensis, V. amurensis forma. glabrescens, V. flexuosa, V. thunbergii var. sinuata and Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. heterophylla were studied. As a result, it was clarified that 'MeoRuIp' was the leaf of Vitis amurensis and Vitis flexuosa.



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