Supported by : 한국과학재단
As pervasive computing technology, which aims to get linked to useful knowledge, information or services anytime, anywhere, using any devices and/or artifacts, is proliferating, desirable impacts on knowledge management systems are now available. The pervasive computing technology will potentially enable the knowledge management systems to realize individualization and socialization and ultimately increase the knowledge processing productivity. However, researchers who apply the pervasive computing methodologies to novel way of knowledge management have been very few. These result in unsatisfactory consideration of establishing pervasive knowledge management systems. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to cast the vision of pervasive knowledge management and search for a couple of possible research issues and possibilities. This paper suggests a framework of ubiDSS, an amended knowledge management system for the next generation deploying pervasive and autonomous knowledge acquisition capabilities of ubiquitous computing technologies. Also the CKAM, context-based knowledge acquisition module, is illustrated as a prototype of future knowledge management systems.
Supported by : 한국과학재단