Effect of Ridge Height on Growth and Tuber Yield in Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight

두둑높이가 넓은잎큰조롱의 생육 및 근수량에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2009.08.30


This study was conducted to increase the productivity and quality of C. auriculatum Royle ex Wight according to the various ridge height. The higher ridge height increased the vine length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf number, chlorophyll content, and leaf dry weight; however, the lower ridge height increased the stem diameter and branch numbers. The tuber number and length was increased at less than 20cm of ridge height, but the overall growth was retarded in the treatment of over 20cm ridge height. The tuber diameter was also thicker in the lower ridge. The rootlet ratio among the non-commercial tuber was increased in the 20cm and 30 cm ridge, and the decayed tuber ratio was increased in the lower ridge. The yield of tuber has increased with 3% and 11% in the 20cm and 30cm ridge height compared to 10cm ridge(515kg/10a).

넓은잎큰조롱의 두둑높이에 따른 생산성 및 품질향상을 위하여 재배법 확립의 기초자료로 제공하고자 두둑높이를 달리하여 2005년부터 3년간 시험한 결과, 만장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수, 엽록소함량, 경엽 건물중은 두둑높이가 높을수록 양적인 증가를 가져왔으나, 경태와 분지수는 두둑높이가 낮을수록 굵거나, 많은 경향이었다. 근수와 근장은 두둑높이 20 cm까지는 두둑높이가 높을수록 많거나, 길었으나, 20 cm 이상의 두둑높이에서는 생육량이 감소하였으며, 근태는 두둑높이가 낮을수록 굵어지는 경향이었다. 비상품근 중 세근은 두둑높이 20 cm에서 다소 많았으며, 부패근은 두둑높이가 낮을수록 많은 경향이었고, 근수량은 두둑높이 20 cm내지 30 cm 까지는 두둑높이가 높을수록 증수되어 두둑높이 10 cm의 515 kg/10a 대비 3%, 11% 증수되었다.



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