시카고 필드 박물관 소장 활옷에 대한 연구

Study on Hwal-ot at the Field Museum of Chicago

  • Kwon, Hea-Jin (Dept of Apparel Design, Hanyang Women's College) ;
  • Hong, Na-Young (Dept. of Clothing and Textile, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


Hwai-ot is the embroidered bridal red robe that represents the beauty of Korean traditional costume. As there are very few remains of Hwal-ot that are pass to date, the study on Hwal-ot has been limited to the Hwal-ot of Princess Bok-on and some civilian Hwal-ot relics. In this study, I tried to perform a positive research on Hwal-ot of the latter Joseon dynasty by inspecting these Hwal-ot remains housed at Field Museum of Chicago. This study has its meaning in the fact that it tried to illuminate diverse features and beautiful formation of the Korean traditional Hwal-ot by comparing those possessed by overseas museums with the ones in Korean museums. Number 33157 Hwal-ot has very unique pattern with both embroidery and gold imprint decorated. It has less embroidery than the Princess Bok-on's Hwal-ot but has much diverse gold imprint patterns. Other four Hwal-ot remains, other than the number 33157, have similar characteristics with the Hwal-ot housed at Changdeok-gung, whose reproductions are also kept at Dankook University Muesum and Ewha Womans University Museum, which makes it possible to deduce that they have typical characteristics of the Royal Hwal-ot of the latter Joseon dynasty.



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