한 농촌지역 주민들의 혈당장애에 따른 hs-CRP와 대사증후군

The hs-CRP Levels and the Metabolic Syndrome according to Glucose Intolerance in Inhabitants of Rural Communities

  • Kim, Jong-Im (Department of Nursing, Daejeon Health Sciences College)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Purpose: This study was to investigate the relations and odds ratio between hs-CRP and the risk factors of metabolic syndrome according to glucose intolerance and diabetes among the residents of a rural community. Methods: The subjects include 1,968 adults aged from 40 to 70 who were divided into four groups and a diabetes group according to glucose intolerance to compare the relations and risk ratio between hs-CRP and the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Results: The results reveal that the greater the subjects' glucose intolerance was, the higher their hs-CRP became and the more risk factors of metabolic syndrome they had. The impaired glucose tolerance group showed 1.7 times higher blood pressure than the control group. The diabetes group showed a high odds ratio with 2.3 times higher blood pressure, 2.2 times higher abdominal obesity, and 2.4 times higherW/Ht than the control group. And the odds ratio increased significantly by 1.7 times in the hs-CRP intermediate risk group and 2.5 times in the high risk group compared with the control group. Conclusion: Considering the study results, it is very important to monitor abdominal obesity, blood pressure and the intermediate and high risk group of hs-CRP in order to reduce the contraction of cardiovascular diseases.



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