The Influence of Uirimchualyo & Its Sequel on Donguibogam - Focused on throat sickness -

"의림촬요(醫林撮要)"와 "의림촬요속집(醫林撮要續集)"이 "동의보감(東醫寶鑑)"의 형성에 끼친 영향 - 인후질환(咽喉疾患)을 중심으로 -

  • Kim, Hong-Gyun (Institute of History of Korean Traditional Medicine)
  • Received : 2009.06.28
  • Accepted : 2009.08.12
  • Published : 2009.08.30


Some researchers who once studied Uirimchualyo have paid good attention to the connection between Donguibogam & Uirimchualyo because of their similarity. So, after reviewing the Sequel of Uirimchualyo, in terms of its editing purpose and the list of contents, especially focused on throat sickness, here I report on the conclusions I come to. Firstly, the Sequel of Uirimchualyo was a monumental edition in concert with the enthronement of Kwanghaegun, and printed at demand of new medical knowledge, which was required to add to the existing Uirimchualyo, written by best-noted doctor, Yang Yesoo, and in need of simpler medical textbook to help people's recovery from the damage of Japanese invasion in the year of Imjin & Jeongyoo. Secondly, all the contents read in the Sequel of Uirimchualyo, were quoted from Kogumuigam, compiled by Kong Shin, Manbyonghoichun, edited by Kong Jeonghyun, Dangaeshim bupbuyo, published by Bang Kwang, and Uihakipmun, edited by Lee Cheon. Thirdly, The reason of similarity between Uirimchualyo and Donguibogam is that the Sequel of Uirimchualyo was made by adding new medical knowledge to the existing Uirimchualyo, and that many of contents of the Sequel of Uirimchualyo were quoted in Donguibogam. Fourthly, regarding throat sickness, medical knowledge on acute fever was supplemented in the Sequel of Uirimchualyo, and the emergency medical treatment methodology like "blow-in-throat" was newly introduced. This treatment is worth being employed to treat acute suffocation with swollen throat in modern acute-infection sicknesses. Fifthly, the Sequel of Uirimchualyo made up for brief description of the existing Uirimchualyo, offered more convenience of users compared with too overscaled Hyangyakjipseongbang & Uibangryuchui, and was more complete than Kookupbang which was loose, incomplete, and sometimes risky. And it took firm hold before Donguibogam, and eventually made a great contribution toward Donguibogam.



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