Spectrum Sensing 기술 동향

  • 발행 : 2009.05.31




  1. J. Mitola III, Cognitive Radio Architecture, Wiley-interscience, 2006
  2. Carl R. Stevenson et al., 'Functional requirements for the 802.22 WRAN standard', IEEE802.22-05-007-48-0000, Nov. 2006
  3. FCC-08-260, 'Second report and order', Nov. 2008
  4. FCC-02-328A1, 'Additional spectrum for unlicensed devices below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz band', Dec. 2002
  5. IEEE P802.22, Draft Standard for Wireless Regional Area Networks Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Policies and procedures for operation in the TV Bands
  6. Gerald Chouinard, 'Sensing Threshold', IEEE 802.22-06-0051-08-0000, Jul. 2006
  7. Y. Zeng et al., 'I2R Sensing', IEEE802.22-06-0187-01-0000, Nov. 2006
  8. K. Lim, 'MRSS simulation', IEEE802.22-07-0143-00-0000, Mar. 2007
  9. H. S. Chen et al., 'Signature based sensing', IEEE 802.22-07-0028-00-0000, Jan. 2007
  10. Steve Shellhammer, 'Spectrum Sensing in IEEE 802.22', CIP 2008, Jun. 2008
  11. J. M. Mendel, 'Tutorial on higher order statistics (spectra) in signal processing and systems theory: Theoretical results and some applications,' Proc. of IEEE, pp. 278-305, Mar. 1991
  12. Apurva Mody, 'Spectrum sensing of the DTV in the vicinity of the pilot using higher order statistics', IEEE802.22-07-0370-03-0000, Aug. 2007
  13. H. S. Chen, 'Thomson cyclostationarity based sensing', IEEE802.22-07-0133-00-0000, Mar. 2007
  14. FCC DA-08-2243A3, 'Evaluation of the performance of prototype TV-band white space devices phase II', OET Report, Oct. 2008
  15. FCC DA-08-2243A4, 'RF Capture Information', OET Report, Oct. 2008
  16. Victor Tawil, 'DTV_signal_Captures', IEEE802.22-06-0038-00-0000, Mar. 2006
  17. FCC, 'RF Capture Information', DA-08-2243AS, OET Report, Oct. 2008
  18. Victor Tawil, 'FCC Report on Sensing of TV Channels', EEE802.22-09-0024-00-0000, Jan. 2009