관절각도를 이용한 근력 추정 알고리듬

An Algorithm for Estimating Muscle Forces using Joint Angle

  • Son, J.S. (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University) ;
  • Kim, Y.H. (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Since inappropriate muscle forces mean that people cannot perform some activities related to roles of the muscle, muscle forces have been considered as an important parameter in clinic. Therefore, many methods have been introduced to estimate muscle forces indirectly. One of the methods is muscle tissue dynamics and it is widely used in commercial softwares including musculoskeletal model, such as SIMM. They, however, need motion data captured from 3-dimensional motion analysis system. In this study, we introduced an algorithm to estimate muscle forces in real-time by using joint angles. The heel-rise movements were performed for a normal with 3-dimensional motion analysis system, EMG measurement system, and electrogoniometers. Joint angles obtained from electrogoniometers and EMG signals were used to estimate muscle forces. Simulation was performed to find muscle forces using motion data which was imported into musculoskeletal software. As the results, muscle lengths and forces from the developed algorithm were similar to those from commercial software in pattern. Results of this study would be helpful to implement a tool to calculate reasonable muscle forces in real-time.



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