A Study on Establishing Relationship between Fashion Design Process and Storytelling

패션 디자인 프로세스와 스토리텔링의 관계 정립에 관한 연구

  • Sung, You-Jung (Depart. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kwon, Gi-Young (Depart. of Clothing & Textiles, Kyungpook National University)
  • Received : 2008.10.02
  • Accepted : 2008.12.07
  • Published : 2009.04.30


The Purpose of this study is to demonstrate Storytelling as an effective device for Fashion Design by establishing relationship between Fashion Design Process and Storytelling. Through researching a social background and a concept of storytelling, found that story used interactively is a powerful tool for attention, understanding and change in both individuals and communities. Analysed the elements and the structure of storytelling and Fashion Design Process, by researching preceding researches. Therefore, we proposed a new four elements -text factor, visual factor, audio factor and virtual factor- and four steps (1)exploring stories, (2)planning a story, (3)building the story, (4)do storytelling- of storytelling and four steps-(1)gathering and analysing informations, (2)building a concept, (3)planning and developing a design, (4)do evaluation and make decision- of fashion design process. Through comparative analysis, we found a closeness between two structures, a use of common factors and also found characteristics to be considered in each stage. In the first stage, we found text, visual and audio factor as common factors. In the second stage, we suggested text and visual factor as common factors and also suggested clarity, realism and probability as characteristics. In the third stage, we found text, visual and virtual factor and also found dynamism, immersion and continuity. In the last stage, we suggested text, visual, virtual and audio factor and also suggested presence and interactivity as characteristics.



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