A Study on the Production of Stage Costume of Creative Musical 'This is my destiny…'

창작뮤지컬 '이것의 나의 운명인 것을…'의 무대의상 디자인 연구

  • 임정미 (조선대학교 디자인학부) ;
  • 이종훈 (호남대학교 다매체영상학과) ;
  • 범서희 (조선대학교 디자인학부)
  • Received : 2008.05.29
  • Accepted : 2008.11.21
  • Published : 2009.04.30


Now, the proportion of musical was strength in the stage art part to the past considerably as called musical boom. After 1990's, as if it was rise as rise of musical exclusive theater, it was development seriously in Korean musical. But presently, the examined musical product state as the ratio of import musical and creative musical is about 6 to 4 or 7 to 3, it was a inferiority of creative musical in a flood of import musical. So, this study researched for example Kim Kyun Hyoung' writing and Yu Min Suck' production, creative musical 'This is my destiny...' - played by Dept. of multimedia and film, Honam University in september 2007 - this researcher should give much theoretical and substantial assistance to stage costume producer by studying about producing costume of a aria story, a mental state. As I have studied sofar, in designing a stage costume for musical, the overall comprehension of the musical actor's bodies have to be considered. Though performing the manufacture of the really performance work. It is a field that needs various professional knowledge, and only when a musical is produced based on such theories, it will be possible to deliver the theme of the me of the play more effectively, becomes help in the efficiently theatrical costume manufacture realistically and express the various symbolical meanings.



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