Research on the subjective status of oral cavity's health following senior citizens' characteristics

일부 노인의 일반적 특성 및 구강보건지식과 행태에 따른 주관적 구강건강상태 연구

  • Received : 2009.05.29
  • Accepted : 2009.09.20
  • Published : 2009.09.30


To identify subjective health status of senior citizens' oral health following senior citizens' general characteristics and knowledge and behavior for the oral hygiene, this research conducted individual interview with 237 senior citizens in some parts of Seoul. The results are as follows. 1. Degree of senior citizens' knowledge on the oral hygiene is about Middle. Among the categories on the senior citizens' knowledge on the oral hygiene, teeth's brushing was the highest while knowledge on fluorine was the lowest. 2. Senior citizens who feel that their oral health is healthy when it comes to the subjective health state of senior citizens' oral health following behavior for the oral hygiene, brush their teeth, three times in a day, for more than three minutes (p<.01). Moreover, senior citizens who feel that their oral health is healthy brush different corners of the tongue when brushing (p<.01). 3. In case of knowledge on the oral hygiene following general characteristics, knowledge on the oral hygiene was higher when economic status was higher (p<.01). In case of living expenses, knowledge on the oral hygiene was higher for the senior citizens with pay or income (p<.01). 4. In case of behavior for the oral hygiene, women tended to act for the oral hygiene more than men. As for the method for raising living expenses, senior citizens who receive basic social security check or those at the highest tier tended to act less for the oral hygiene (p<.01). 5. Senior citizens who answered that their oral health is healthy when it comes to the subjective health state of senior citizens' oral cavity tended to have high knowledge on the oral hygiene (p<.01). In conclusion, subjective health status of senior citizens' oral health is higher when the knowledge on the oral hygiene and behavior for the oral hygiene are higher. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop and execute oral hygiene training program to change senior citizens' behavior incrementally and the dental hygienists who can conduct this training should be actively attracted into the senior citizens' oral hygiene training.



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