A Study on Differences of Sanitation Education and Sanitation Knowledge Between Dietitians in School Foodservice And Managers in Commercial Foodservice

학교급식소와 외식업소 관리자의 위생교육 실태 및 위생지식 차이 분석

  • Park, Sang-Hyun (Department Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University) ;
  • Jung, Hyeon-A (Department of Herbal Cuisine and Nutrtion, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Bae, Hyun-Joo (Department of Food and Nutrition, Daegu University) ;
  • Joo, Na-Mi (Department Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women's University)
  • 박상현 (숙명여자대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학전공) ;
  • 정현아 (대구한의대학교 한방산업대학 한방식품조리영양학부) ;
  • 배현주 (대구대학교 공과대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 주나미 (숙명여자대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학전공)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was to compare the status of sanitation education and sanitation knowledge in school foodservice with commercial foodservice. The survey sample was institutional foodservice directors (n = 88) in A office of education and commercial foodservice directors (n = 81) in B foodservice industry. The questionnaire requested information about demographic information, situation of sanitation education, contents of sanitation education practice, importance of sanitation education, and sanitation knowledge. Data were analyzed using frequencies, means, chi-square test, and t-test. Over half (52.1%) of the respondents were institutional foodservice directors, 47.9% of the respondents were commercial foodservice directors. The majority of institutional foodservice directors were 25-29 years of age (38.6%), over 10 years of working experience (63.6%) and commercial foodservice directors were 25-29 years of age (53.1%), 5-10 years of working experience (35.0%). 66.3% of the respondents were educated food safety once a month, but 8.6% of commercial foodservices were never educated. The majority of the respondents used printing materials (73.3%) or lecture (74.8%). The importance level of institutional foodservice directors about sanitation education was significantly higher than commercial foodservice directors. The average score of institutional foodservice directors' sanitation knowledge was 87.05/100.00. The commercial foodservice directors' sanitation knowledge 67.74 was significantly lower than institutional foodservice directors (p < 0.05). Therefore, there should be a systematic education program designed for commercial foodservice directors.



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