가상 텔레케어 팀을 위한 퍼지신뢰평가 모델

Fuzzy Trust Evaluation Model for Virtual Telecare Team

  • Lee, Kyung-Huy (Dep't of IT Business Engineering Management, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kim, Hyo-Joong (Dep't of IT Business Engineering Management, Daejeon University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Telecare, one of the e-healthcare services with lCT, is a promising technology which aims to monitor the state of patients and then provide the medical services appropriately in remote sites. Virtual telecare team based on the concept of virtual collaborative teams which consist of a patient, a doctor, and a telecare team, operates on a temporary basis in need. Reputation, which means the degree of a patient's belief to a doctor in consideration, is the most important factor to make the virtual telecare team trustable. In this paper, we propose the fuzzy reputation model of a virtual telecare team, which is a reputation-based trust model based on fuzzy set theory. An illustrative example is also given in order to show the applicability of the model to the concept of a virtual telecare team.



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