점포 선택 이론을 이용한 우리나라 일반 소비자의 수산물 구매 시 대형소매점 선택 요인에 대한 분석

Analysis on the Choice of the Store to Buy Seafood by the General Consumers in Korea Using the Consumers' Store Choice Behavior Theory

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study is to derive the factors for the general consumers to choose the store to buy seafood. Survey on 414 general consumers by questionnaires was conducted to find out the factors for them to choose the stores in the traditional market and large supermarket, and through the analysis on the results the factors for general consumers to choose large supermarkets were derived when they buy seafood and at the same time the degree of its importance was analyzed. The results of the survey showed that the general consumers chose large supermarkets to buy seafood despite the fact that they recognized the seafood prices are lower in the traditional markets than in the large supermarkets. Particularly, the results of analyzing the sixteen criteria for choosing the store in which to buy seafood were grouped into four: the 'assortment of goods and high quality', 'service', 'price and promotion' and 'convenient accessibility.' The results of examining the order of priority based on the four factors showed that the 'assortment of diverse seafood and high quality' was found to be given the first priority, followed by 'convenient accessibility' and 'prices and promotion factors', with 'service' being statistically insignificant. Based on these results, Monroe (1975)'s consumers' store choice process is summarized as follows. Before buying seafood, the consumers who use large supermarkets have the desire for buying seafood and then judge the properties of the store which they will use. In this process, consumers were satisfying their needs in large supermarkets in the criteria of 'assortment of diverse seafood and high quality', convenient accessibility', and 'prices and promotion factors' which were found to be statistically significant in this research. Accordingly, the general consumers choose to buy seafood in large supermarkets rather than in the traditional markets. The general consumers were more satisfied with using large supermarkets than using traditional markets, so after they have initially bought seafood in the large supermarkets, they habitually buy seafood in the large supermarkets without going through Monroe (1975)'s 'eight stage process for the store choice.' When such habitual store choice behavior continues for a long time, it results in becoming structural.



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