생태산업적 지역농업의 자원순환시스템 유형 및 구축방안

A Study on the Resource Circulation System and Construction of the Regional Agriculture focused on Eco-industrial Approach

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The objectives of this study were to analysis the nutrient cycles of agricultural by-products. The region, in which agricultural by-products are circulated for use within the agroecosystem for minimizing the input of artificial nutrients as well as generation of wastes, and where ecologically industrial diversity is formed, was defined as the regional agriculture focused on eco-industrial approach. Plan in stages for promoting ahead with the regional agriculture focused on eco-industrial approach is as follows: First of all, "The Consultation Body for Circulating & Using By-products" should be formed. Secondly, usage of agricultural by-products is identified to select the facilities of recycling and its location including the type and amount. Thirdly, the facilities for recycling of resources and infrastructure are installed. Finally, the facilities for recycling and resource circulation system within the area are efficiently managed.



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