장애인 이용을 고려한 사회복지관 편의시설 평가 및 분석에 관한 연구

A Study on the Evaluation and Analysis of Convenient Facilities in Social Welfare Hall through Consideration of the Disabled Person Use

  • 정례화 (에이앤지 건축사사무소) ;
  • 이완건 (세명대학교 건축공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


The number of the disabled is increasing every year. Growing interest in social welfare, but still the disabled person in places is restricted on the activities are due to obstacles. This study proposes an improvement direction through an research and analysis of installation status of convenient facilities in social welfare halls was planned after that the law of increase of convenience for the disabled person is enforced in 1998. This study analyzed nine social welfare halls of seoul including Yongsan-gu(GW), Guro-gu(GD, HW), Yeongdeungpo-gu(SG), Seodaemun-gu(SD), Dobong-gu(DB), Nowon-gu(NS), Seongbuk-gu(WG) and Dongdaemun-gu(JG). The evaluation criteria for the installation of convenient facilities for the disabled person in each social welfare hall based on the law of increase of convenience for the disabled person, and referred to other data. Also, review the criteria for the installation of convenient facilities, and grasp the present situation through the survey of convenient facilities in social welfare halls, and provides the installation standards of convenient facilities. The result are as followings. There were many problems to be improved in approach of the intermediate space, parking lot, entrance of the inside space and corridor that must be installed for the convenience of the disabled. In the intermediate space, the slope of the ramp, curb, induction handle etc. for a safety must be installed. Parking spaces for the disabled must be located closest to the main entrance, an induction marker or the handle, and the attachment of a directional sign etc. must be improved. In the inside space, it is convenient for the disabled person use to install an automatic door and swing door simultaneously at the main entrance. And, the height of the door handle, an induction block, a braille display panels of the appropriate height in the entrance, a braille display in start and end of the stairs handle, the handle of the side wall, the stairs to prevent slippage etc. must be improved in the corridors. The case of the sanitation which is a recommendation item is equipped formally with disabled toilets are difficult to use. Information and other convenience facilities for the disabled person in all the social welfare halls were not considered.



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