Structural matrices of a curved-beam element

  • Gimena, F.N. (Department of Projects Engineering, Campus Arrosadia C.P. 31006, University Public of Navarre) ;
  • Gonzaga, P. (Department of Projects Engineering, Campus Arrosadia C.P. 31006, University Public of Navarre) ;
  • Gimena, L. (Department of Projects Engineering, Campus Arrosadia C.P. 31006, University Public of Navarre)
  • 투고 : 2007.10.16
  • 심사 : 2009.09.02
  • 발행 : 2009.10.20


This article presents the differential system that governs the mechanical behaviour of a curved-beam element, with varying cross-section area, subjected to generalized load. This system is solved by an exact procedure or by the application of a new numerical recurrence scheme relating the internal forces and displacements at the two end-points of an increase in its centroid-line. This solution has a transfer matrix structure. Both the stiffness matrix and the equivalent load vector are obtained arranging the transfer matrix. New structural matrices have been defined, which permit to determine directly the unknown values of internal forces and displacements at the two supported ends of the curved-beam element. Examples are included for verification.



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피인용 문헌

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