Remaining life prediction of concrete structural components accounting for tension softening and size effects under fatigue loading

  • Murthy, A. Rama Chandra (Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR, CSIR Campus) ;
  • Palani, G.S. (Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR, CSIR Campus) ;
  • Iyer, Nagesh R. (Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR, CSIR Campus)
  • 투고 : 2007.09.27
  • 심사 : 2008.12.17
  • 발행 : 2009.06.20


This paper presents analytical methodologies for remaining life prediction of plain concrete structural components considering tension softening and size effects. Non-linear fracture mechanics principles (NLFM) have been used for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. Various tension softening models such as linear, bi-linear, tri-linear, exponential and power curve have been presented with appropriate expressions. Size effect has been accounted for by modifying the Paris law, leading to a size adjusted Paris law, which gives crack length increment per cycle as a power function of the amplitude of a size adjusted stress intensity factor (SIF). Details of tension softening effects and size effect in the computation of SIF and remaining life prediction have been presented. Numerical studies have been conducted on three point bending concrete beams under constant amplitude loading. The predicted remaining life values with the combination of tension softening & size effects are in close agreement with the corresponding experimental values available in the literature for all the tension softening models.



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