Usability of Wireless Application Protocol Interface in the Philippines

  • Tangsoc, Jazmin Chong (Industrial Engineering Department, De La Salle University-Manila) ;
  • Ponio V., Amelia S. (Business Process, Watsons Personal Care Stores Phils., Inc.)
  • 투고 : 2006.03.30
  • 심사 : 2008.05.20
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The existence of Internet revolutionized the computer and communications world. With the rising demand for accessing the Internet, the mobile technology has incorporated the use of Internet in mobile phones. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) has combined two of the widest utilized technology today: mobile phones and Internet. This study aims to assess the existing WAP pages offered by the top service providers in the Philippines through usability testing experiments. The paper also aims to identify existing problems in WAP interface by focusing on the errors committed by the users. From the usability study, it was found out that common usability problems are wrong selection of links, unclear grouping of categories, wrong feedback, and redundant links. The type of service provider used is significant in determining the performance of users while experience in accessing WAP is insignificant.



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