Automatic TFT-LCD Mura Inspection Based on Studentized Residuals in Regression Analysis

  • Chuang, Yu-Chiang (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Yuan Ze University) ;
  • Fan, Shu-Kai S. (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Yuan Ze University)
  • Received : 2009.03.30
  • Accepted : 2009.06.03
  • Published : 2009.09.30


In recent days, large-sized flat-panel display (FPD) has been increasingly applied to computer monitors and TVs. Mura defects, appearing as low contrast or non-uniform brightness region, sometimes occur in manufacturing of the Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Displays (TFT-LCD). Implementation of automatic Mura inspection methods is necessary for TFT-LCD production. Various existing Mura detection methods based on regression diagnostics, surface fitting and data transformation have been presented with good performance. This paper proposes an efficient Mura detection method that is based on a regression diagnostics using studentized residuals for automatic Mura inspection of FPD. The input image is estimated by a linear model and then the studentized residuals are calculated for filtering Mura regions. After image dilation, the proposed threshold is determined for detecting the non-uniform brightness region in TFT-LCD by means of monitoring the every pixel in the image. The experimental results obtained from several test images are used to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method for Mura detection.



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