The Study on the Development Trend of the Times toward Digital Clothing

디지털 의류[Digital Clothing]의 시대적 개발 경향 연구

  • 곽태기 (세종대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Published : 2009.05.28


The period from the early years of the 21st Century, when the birth of Digital Clothing received as a kind of digital cultures in the modern information society, to the present time, the period is studied on as a social transition in the revolutionary digital technology in parallel with the fashion changes which have an effect on our thoughts and our life style. After the 2000's, when digital was perceived as a culture, information technology came into being owing to the technological development in the network and informative and communicative technology. This study tried to grasp the tendency of the times to Digital Clothing, which occurred in the new situation of Digital Technology, and then on the base of it, tried to classify the expressive characteristics in the Digital Clothing as the Cyberspace, Global Network, high functionality Smart Textiles and digital technology. The social reformation by the revolutionary digital technology is coming forth in the New Fashion of the digital Clothing, with the development of technology and network in the Cyberspace and real space. the Digital Clothing which led to the revolutionary change in New Fashion occurred, and by the same time, gradually the phenomena of Digital Consuming Culture is expansive.



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