Large Eddy Simulation of the Dynamic Response of an Inducer to Flow Rate Fluctuations

  • Received : 2009.03.27
  • Accepted : 2009.07.29
  • Published : 2009.12.01


A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of the flow in an inducer is carried out under flow rate oscillations. The present study focuses on the dynamic response of the backflow and the unsteady pressure performance to the flow rate fluctuations under non-cavitation conditions. The amplitude of angular momentum fluctuation evaluated by LES is larger than that evaluated by RANS. However, the phase delay of backflow is nearly the same as RANS calculation. The pressure performance curve exhibits a closed curve caused by the inertia effect associated with the flow rate fluctuations. Compared with simplified one dimensional evaluation of the inertia component, the component obtained by LES is smaller. The negative slope of averaged performance curve becomes larger under unsteady conditions. From the conservations of angular momentum and energy, an expression useful for the evaluation of unsteady pressure rise was obtained. The examination of each term of this expression show that the apparent decrease of inertia effects is caused by the response delay of Euler's head and that the increase of negative slope is caused by the delay of inertial term associated with the delay of backflow response. These results are qualitatively confirmed by experiments.



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