Low Carbon and Green Growth Cave Lightings with SOLAR-LED System

SOLAR-LED 시스템과 저탄소녹색동굴조명

  • Published : 2009.12.30


Global village warming and carbon dioxide CO2 gas, and the human efforts for their healing and necessary alternative technology would be much more difficult things than that of making necessary funds and efforts to lay to sleep angry nature on the earth. The limited natural resources of fossil fuel would be dried up in several decades, and the intensity of diplomatic negotiations for natural resource guarantee among countries may be showed looking alike an war. The drain of fossil fuel called a new word of alternative policy like an environment-friendly green-growth, and the solar-cell and lighting technology for the solar energy applications were developed still more repeatedly day by day from oil lantern to LED high-tech illumination in great economy. Therefore, it was studied that the low-carbon green-growth illumination technology in cave applications with SOLAR-LED system which was produced and unified in connection with solar-cell and LED from the semiconductor production technology, and it was also clarified in necessary with useful cave lighting in heatless and with no photosynthesis of plant production in underground space.

온실가스와 지구촌 온난화, 그리고 이를 치유하기 위한 인간의 노력과 필요한 대안기술은 마치 성난 자연을 잠재우기 위한 노력과 그에 필요한 재원을 동원하기보다도 더 어려운 일인가보다. 한정된 화석연료는 수십 년 내에 고갈될 수밖에 없으며, 국제무대에서 나라마다 자원을 확보하려는 외교활동의 치열함은 마치 자원 확보를 위한 전쟁을 방불케 하는 모습이다. 화석연료의 고갈은 친환경 녹색성장이라는 새로운 대안정책을 불러왔고, 태양에너지 활용을 위한 태양전지기술은 날로 발전을 거듭하고 있으며, 이와 함께 세상을 밝혀주기 위한 조명광기술은 석유등, 백열등으로부터 발광다이오드에 이르러 첨단 광역시장을 이루었다. 따라서 이들을 탄생시킨 반도체기술로부터 태양전지와 발광다이오드를 접목시켜 일체화시킨 SOLAR-LED 시스템과 함께 저탄소녹색조명의 동굴응용 기술을 조명한다.



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