좁은 채널 내부의 수직 혼합 경계층에 형성된 메탄-공기 에지-화염의 안정화 기초 실험

A Fundamental Experiment on the Stabilization of a Methane-Air Edge Flame in a Cross-Flowing Mixing Layer in a Narrow Channel

  • 이민정 (중앙대학교 기계공학부 대학원) ;
  • 김남일 (중앙대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.01


Flame stabilization characteristics were experimentally investigated in a fuel-air cross flowing mixing layer. A combustor consists of a narrow channel of air steam and a cross flowing fuel. Depending on the flow rates of methane and air, flame can be stabilized in two modes. First is an attached flame which is formulated at the backward step where the methane and air streams meet. Second is a lifted-flame which is formulated within the mixing layer far down steam from backward step. The heights and flame widths of the lifted flames were measured. Flame shapes of the lifted flames were similar to an ordinary edge flame or a tribrachial flame, and their behavior could be explained with the theories of an edge flame. With the increase of the mixing time between fuel and air, the fuel concentration gradient decreases and the flame propagation velocity increases. Thus the flame is stabilized where the flow velocity is matched to the flame propagation velocity in spite of a significant disturbance in the fuel mixing and heat loss within the channel. This study provides many experimental results for a higher fuel concentration gradient, and it can also be helpful for the development and application of a smaller combustor.



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