Analysis on the Actual Wearing Conditions and Preferences of the Knit Wear School Uniforms of High School Girls

여고생 니트웨어 교복의 착용 실태 및 선호도 분석

  • Suh, Mi-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Soon-Ah (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chungnam National University)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual wearing conditions and the preferences of knit wear school uniforms. The subjects were 480 high school girls from 6 high schools placed in Daejeon. The method of study is a survey consisted of actual wearing conditions questionnaires, preferences questionnaires, and demographic attribution. Data was analyzed by frequency, variance, crosstabs, and correlation analysis using SPSS 12.0 program. The results of study are as follows. First, high school girls over 90% wearing knit wear school uniforms were satisfied with current knit wear school uniforms(navy color, V-neck, and wool mixed). Second, high school girls preferred 100% cotton material and black/white/gray color group. The style of knit wear school uniforms was most preferred monochrome cardigan with cable pattern. High school girls wanted to show neat image by knit wear school uniforms and to diversify the style of them. Third, the differences of preferences between groups, they were wearing knit wear school uniforms(A group) or not(B group), were about pattern and improvement. A group preferred school mark pattern, and wanted to improve the quality and after service. B group preferred monochrome cable pattern, and wanted to diversify the style. Both groups wanted to wear knit wear school uniforms because knit wear was 'warm' and 'comfort'. Consequently, knit wear school uniforms will help high school girls express individuality and beauty.



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