CPU와 GPU의 병렬 처리를 이용한 고속 물체 인식 알고리즘 구현

The Implementation of Fast Object Recognition Using Parallel Processing on CPU and GPU

  • 발행 : 2009.05.01


This paper presents a fast feature extraction method for autonomous mobile robots utilizing parallel processing and based on OpenMP, SSE (Streaming SIMD Extension) and CUDA programming. In the first step on CPU version, the algorithms and codes are optimized and then implemented by parallel processing. The parallel algorithms are debugged to maintain the same level of performance and the process for extracting key points and obtaining dominant orientation with respect to key points is parallelized. After extraction, a parallel descriptor via SSE instructions is constructed. And the GPU version also implemented by parallel processing using CUDA based on the SIFT. The GPU-Parallel descriptor achieves an acceleration up to five times compared with the CPU-Parallel descriptor, but it shows the lower performance than CPU version. CPU version also speed-up the four and half times compared with the original SIFT while maintaining robust performance.



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