Objective: The aim of this study was to asses individual, organizational and environmental capacity for members of Healthy Cities Partnership (KHCP) and exploring advanced suggestions for further developing. Methods: Participants were 27. The questionnaire was developed based on Health Promotion Capacity Checklist and it analyze capacity in 3 lelvels including individual, organizational and environmental. Each level is consist of 4 sections, individual: 'Knowledge', 'Skills', 'Commitment' and 'Resources', organizational; 'Commitment', 'Culture', 'Structure' and 'Resources', environment:'Public opinion', 'Political will', 'Supportive organizations' and 'Ideas and other resources'. Each section was assessed in 4 point rating scale and cross analyzed with basic information. Results: The mean score of 3 levels were 2.57. Among the 3 levels, 'Individual' marks 2.78 point which were top and 'Organizational' marks 2.59 and 'Environmental' marks 2.33. There were no significant factors affecting Healthy cities capacity of 'Individual' and 'Organizational' level, but just 'specialization' of 'Environmental' had significance. Conclusion: Above the results, this study suggested that just 'Individual' capacity is above median point and other levels were lower. Further efforts for developing Healthy cities capacity, especially focused on 'Organizational' and 'Environmental' levels, is strongly required.