국내 및 해외 유명 화장품 브랜드의 선호도와 성과에 미치는 영향요인

Affecting variables on brand preference and performance of domestic and imported cosmetics brands

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The purposes of this study were to identify brand equity factors influencing on brand preference and to investigate the effects of preference, price acceptability, distribution proximity, and appropriateness on brand performance of domestic and imported cosmetics brands. A total of 300 women aged between 20 and 49 years were surveyed on two domestic brands and two imported brands that were well-known to consumers during the month of September, 2006, in Seoul, Daejeon, Gyeonggi-do, and Chungcheong-do. The data were analyzed with factorial analysis, multiple regression analysis, ANOVA, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, etc., using the SPSS 12.0. The result of the study included: 1) Four factors of brand equity were identified: brand image, social reputation, quality, and brand awareness. 2) Brand image, quality, appropriateness, and brand performance of the domestic brands were higher than those of the imported brands. But brand awareness of the imported brands was higher than that of the domestic brands. 3) Brand preference of the domestic brands was affected by social reputation, quality, brand image, and brand awareness in order of significance. And brand performance of the domestic brands was affected by brand preference, appropriateness, price acceptability and distribution proximity in order of significance. 4) Brand preference of the imported brands was affected by brand image, social reputation, brand awareness, and quality in order of significance. And brand performance of the imported brands was affected by appropriateness, price acceptability, brand preference, and distribution proximity in order of significance.



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