As a result of comparison analysis on body types of Korean women in their forties and Korean women residing in Japan, the following results had been found. 1. In terms of factors composing the body type, while women residing in Korea did not show large differences in obesity and horizontal size factors, women living in Japan showed higher contribution of obesity factor compared to horizontal size factor. That is, obesity factor was substantially more important among factors composing the body type for women residing in Japan. 2. Cluster analysis was done to understand the characteristics of body types and comparatively analyze them. Women residing in Korea were classified into tall and normal body, normal height with obese body, and short and chubby body. Women residing in Japan showed different characteristics with tall and obese body, tall and normal body with long lower part, and short and thin body. As a result of this study, identical ethnic group was found to take on different body types resulting from sociocultural differences and difference in eating habits if their place of residence differs for a long time.