UML-based PLC Ladder Logic Design and Automatic Generation of Ladder Code

UML 기반 PLC 래더 로직 설계와 코드 자동 생성

  • 한관희 (경상대학교 산업시스템공학부/공학연구원) ;
  • 박준우 (경상대학교 산업시스템공학부)
  • Published : 2009.02.01


There are two main problems in the current PLC ladder programming practices: First, currently there are no widely adopted systematic design methods to deal with PLC based control systems in the shop floor. So, the control logic design phase is usually omitted in current PLC programming development life cycle. Second, PLC ladder logic provides only microscopic view of system processes. As a result, it is difficult for FA engineers to have overall perspectives about the interaction of system components intuitively during the verification step of logic errors. To solve these problems, this paper proposed object-oriented design and automatic generation method of PLC ladder logic. Based on the proposed method, the computer software to assist the automatic ladder logic generation is also developed.



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